How to use VM Applications to manage and deploy applications

Hi there! In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to use VM Applications to manage and deploy applications on Azure. VM Applications are a new feature that lets you create and manage virtual machine (VM) images with pre-installed applications and configurations. You can use VM Applications to deploy your applications faster and more consistently across different Azure regions and environments.

Here are the steps to create and use a VM Application:

  1. Create a VM image with your application and configuration. You can use any tool or method that you prefer, such as Azure Image Builder, Packer, or PowerShell. Make sure to generalize the image before capturing it.
  2. Upload the VM image to a shared image gallery (SIG) in your Azure subscription. You can use the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or PowerShell to do this. Give your image a name, version, and region.
  3. Create a VM Application from the VM image in the SIG. You can use the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or PowerShell to do this. Give your VM Application a name and description. You can also specify additional properties, such as license terms, tags, and dependencies.
  4. Deploy a VM from the VM Application. You can use the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or PowerShell to do this. Choose the VM Application from the list of available images in the SIG. You can also customize the VM size, network settings, and other options.
  5. Enjoy your application running on the VM!

That’s it! You have successfully created and used a VM Application to manage and deploy your application on Azure. You can also update your VM Application by creating a new version of the image in the SIG and updating the VM Application properties. You can also share your VM Application with other users or subscriptions by using RBAC or Azure Policy.

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative.

Thanks for reading!

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