Azure Backup support for SQL Server in virtual machines (VMs)

Hey guys!!

Now Azure Backup for SQL Server installed on a Virtual Machine (VM) has been released for all Microsoft Azure regions through Azure Backup. Azure Backup for SQL Server in virtual machines is a simplified and modern way to back up databases in a cloud solution. It is a platform as a service, that is, without the need to deal with infrastructure and with high scalability. Through this tool, we can back up a standalone instance as well as an AllwaysOn database, with centralized management and monitoring.

Backup SQL Server
Link to the original article for more details:

“AZURE to AZURE” replication support released for VMs with S2D

Hey guys!!

Now it is possible to configure, through Azure Site Recovery, the replication of VMs that use S2D (Storage spaces direct), software-defined storage. Below is an example represented by two VMs in Azure with failover cluster using S2D:
Continue reading ““AZURE to AZURE” replication support released for VMs with S2D”

Azure DevOps Community Launch Event

Hey guys!!!

Yesterday (31/01/2019) I participated in the organization and was one of the speakers at the Azure DevOps Community Launch event, an event focused on Azure DevOps. My presentation was about this new concept that is increasingly gaining space in the IT area, Infrastructure as Code, using Azure DevOps.

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Presence at Ignite Tour São Paulo 2018

Ignite 2018
Hellooo guys!!! On December 11th and 12th, the Biggest technology event in Latin America, Ignite, promoted by Microsoft itself, took place. There were more than 100 high-quality sessions and workshops. It was great to be able to participate with my colleagues from the AzureRS group and bring this knowledge home.


Hey guys… +1 lecture delivered… Last Thursday (08/11/18), I was present at the University of Vale do Taquari (Univates), voluntarily lecturing and disseminating knowledge about Microsoft Azure, for the group of IT managers/coordinators of Vale, which includes companies from the region of Vale do Rio Taquari and Pardo in Rio Grande do Sul. A big thank you to everyone who was present.

Continue reading “Grupo TI VALE”

High Availability for your Applications with Traffic Manager in Azure


Hello guys, Today I’m bringing you Traffic Manager, a great solution that enables traffic routing based on DNS, whether for failover, performance, geographic access or weighted round robin.

  • Priority: Prioritize an endpoint and the others are in standby according to the configured priority.
  • Weighted: When there is a need to distribute traffic among a set of endpoints, either uniformly or according to defined weights.
  • Performance: When you have endpoints in different regions and end users distributed in those regions, prioritizing each one’s connection according to the “closest” endpoint.
  • Geographic: Users will be directed to specific endpoints (Azure, External or Nested), based on originating DNS queries. Continue reading “High Availability for your Applications with Traffic Manager in Azure”