How to back up and restore your Azure web app over a virtual network

Hello Guys,

Should you have a web application hosted on Azure App Service, it could be beneficial to back up its files and configuration data to a secure storage account for recovery in the event of accidental deletion, corruption, or other unforeseen circumstances. However, if your application is connected to a virtual network or is situated in a v3 App Service environment, you would need to employ custom backups for this purpose.

Custom backups allow you to specify the storage account where you want to store your backup data, as well as the frequency and retention of your backups. You can also choose which files and databases you want to include or exclude from your backup. Custom backups are supported in Basic, Standard, Premium, and Isolated tiers of App Service.

To use custom backups for your web app over a virtual network, you need to make sure that the storage account has granted access from the virtual network that your app is integrated with, or that the v3 App Service environment is created with. You can do this by enabling the service endpoint for Microsoft.Storage on your virtual network subnet, and adding a network rule for your storage account that allows access from your virtual network.

Once you have configured your storage account and virtual network, you can create a custom backup for your web app by following these steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, go to your web app and select Backups under Settings.
  2. Click on Configure to open the Backup Configuration blade.
  3. Select Custom as the Backup Storage option and choose your storage account from the drop-down list.
  4. Specify the Backup Schedule, Backup Retention Period, and Databases to Back Up as per your requirements.
  5. Click on Save to apply the configuration and start the backup process.

You can monitor the status of your backups by going back to the Backups blade and clicking on View All Backups. You can also manually trigger a backup by clicking on Backup Now.

To restore your web app from a custom backup, you can follow these steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, go to your web app and select Backups under Settings.
  2. Click on View All Backups to see the list of available backups.
  3. Select the backup that you want to restore from and click on Restore.
  4. Choose whether you want to overwrite your existing app or create a new app or slot from the backup.
  5. Click on OK to start the restore process.

You can monitor the status of your restore by going back to the Backups blade and clicking on View All Restores.

For more information about custom backups over a virtual network, please refer to this link.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

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