Script to automate VM resizing in MS Azure and save a lot of money.


Based on what people have been asking me for, I have been developing some simple but very useful scripts for Microsoft Azure, such as the example script below, where we can use it to automate the resizing of our VMs. Why is this important? Let’s think about our legacy application that doesn’t support autoscale and that is hosted on an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) VM…at the beginning of the month it is barely used and at the end of the month it has a high consumption. With this script you can automate this resizing, leaving the VM with less capacity at the beginning of the month and at the end with a higher capacity, for example. In the cloud we pay for what we consume, in this format we can save a lot of money and in a very simple way.


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Launch of Windows Terminal, new Command Line Application

Good evening!!!

Guys, Microsoft is launching a new command line application for Windows, called Windows Terminal. It was designed to be the central location for accessing environments such as PowerShell, Cmd and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It is also adding support for multiple tabs along with themes and customization for developers who want to tweak the Terminal app.

Watch the launch video below:

Script to Automate Backup Vault Deployment and a Protection Policy in Azure.

Guys, I developed a PowerShell script to deploy a backup vault and a standard protection policy for your VMs in Azure. Through it, it is much faster and more practical to configure your backup infrastructure.
Continue reading “Script to Automate Backup Vault Deployment and a Protection Policy in Azure.”